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The Subtle Build Of Perfection (2000)

by L.M. Turner(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 1
Cobblestone Press
review 1: If you're looking for a good palate cleanser after all the angst-filled, drama ridden stories that flood the genre, this is what you want to read. It was so refreshing to read a book about two normal guys (no cops, no secret agents, no rent boys, no self-loathing closet cases) who meet in a normal way (at a video store), who flirt for awhile and then go on a date (no insta-love but no months of denying it either) and make a connection. This is what love is like in the real world and it made the growing relationship between the two that much more romantic. I'd love to read more about Dane and Connor.
review 2: This is a very cute short novella about a video store clerk and the customer he falls for. The story is sweet and romantic, detailing the romance between
... moreConnor and Dane that mostly happens over the phone since Dane leaves town soon after their first date. The two come to know each other long distance and their connection is only cemented when Dane returns to town. This is not explicit and the roommate Boyd nearly steals the show. It’s a good introduction to the author and makes for a fun, adorable read without being too memorable. less
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An apt title. A funny, feel good read.
A very sweet and easy read.
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