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Under Your Spell (2008)

by Lois Greiman(Favorite Author)
3.27 of 5 Votes: 4
0061191361 (ISBN13: 9780061191367)
Witches of Mayfair
review 1: It was okay. I guess I thought it would have more of the paranormal being that it is the first in the "Mayfair Witches" series. It is really just a badly written romance. A couple of times I thought there was a previous book that I hadn't read because there was definitely information that seemed not there or relationships that never had a chance to develop but were just magically full in bloom. So I assumed a lot of those things happened in book 1, nope this is book 1. I was disappointed and bored.
review 2: I'm actually disappointed with myself for buying "Under Your Spell" by Lois Greiman. I read one of her earlier books and didn't like it, but was so hopeful after reading the cover blurb that I went ahead and took the plunge. BRRRR, it was cold!They are
... more witches who use their talents for the good of England. Doesn't that sound good? Now, this is the first book of her new series so I know I didn't miss anything, but I didn't learn hardly anything about the 'coven'. Or the sexy guy who keeps them safe. All I got was Ella (short for Elegance!) who left the coven recently and doesn't want to go back. She has some bad history which was laid out in fits and starts. She had a nasty husband who treated her cruelly and she's apparently pissed at the coven 'master' who killed him? Uh...I would've been glad! But we learn all this in bits and pieces and it mostly just confused me! Ella just wants to have a child...out of wedlock. No biggie, right? Ummm, this is in 1810 England, not quite the thing don't ya know. So anyway, she wants a child. But when a gorgeous, buff, sexy guy is ready and willing, does she agree? No. Why? I don't know. Instead she's going after older, balding, portly, STUPID men! Does she want a stupid child? I just could never understand her or her reasoning. And finally I just thought she wasn't all that bright.So, no more Greiman for me. less
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Despite the title, I really had no idea this was a paranormal historical until I started reading it.
I stopped reading it. I'm not a fan of the bodice-ripper...
First book in her new Witches of Mayfair series.
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