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De Ce Este România Altfel? (2012)

by Lucian Boia(Favorite Author)
3.81 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: WARNING !As all Boia's books, this is just a denigration of the history and people of Romania. And why a Romanian that calls himself historian would write something like this ? Because it brings money. And nowadays due to the high immigration of Romanians in Europe (Boia himself lives in France), the Romanians are not well seen by the international community. In conclusion, books denigrating them even more will sell like "hot bread" in all Europe. Congratulations, Mr. Boia! You manage to damage greatly the image of Romania. How can you denigrate all the important historical moments of Romania? I warmly recommend Mr. Boia to start reading the history treatises, starting from the Antiquity. You really need to brush up on what real historians wrote about us, starting from th... moree Dacians. And please, Mr. Boia, stop spreading all these horrible things about your country and stop denigrating the Romanians. Otherwise, we might even get to the point to call you a traitor for spreading un-true facts under the pretext of explaining 'the history'. Warning: IF you read Boia's books, be careful not to let yourselves fooled by his claims and title. HE WRITES PURE FICTION.
review 2: Din cate am inteles a fost un best-seller al anului 2013 in Romania. Un eseu in care autorul incearca sa gaseasca o explicatie istorice de ce sunt romanii diferiti de occidentali. Desi este o carte de istorie superficiala, ea demitizeaza multe idei care ne-au fost predate in scoala si pe care le auzim dintotdeauna. Ii indeamna pe romani sa-si mai dea cacatul de pe ochi, si asta e motivul pentru care ii dau 5 stele. less
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Un punct de vedere extrem de diferit fata de cele cu care eram obisnuita.Interesant!
trista (pt realitate) si amuzanta (pt stilul lui Boia) in acelasi timp.
Un eseu impresionant, ce lasa o nota trista in urma, e si firesc..
Better understanding parts of our past ... unfortunately ...
History. We're doomed.
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