Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.9
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Lucy Robinson

3.89 of 5 Votes: 1
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Books by Lucy Robinson
The Unfinished Symphony of You and Me (2014)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: I have never read a book about opera and the performing arts before and I started this book yesterday and finished it today, as I loved the story line so much that I found it hard to put it down. The story is about a shy girl from a council estate in Stourbridge, who loves to si...
The Greatest Love Story of All Time (2012)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Excellent chicklit. The characters are well-developed and their personality really shines. Plus, for once it's not entirely clear what's coming at the end. The characters have both good and bad traits, and Robinson doesn't go on and on about the obvious flaws in any of them -- ju...
A Passionate Love Affair with a Total Stranger (2013)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I had a bit of a love/hate relationship with this book. I love the premise and LOVED the characters. They seemed like very real people, people that I'd like to spend time with. But there were times when Charley behaved like an obsessed crazy person. I'd find myself loving the sto...
Het meest fantastische liefdesverhaal aller tijden (2012)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Firstly, Lucy Robinson is one of my favourite people to ever grace this earth. Her blog has me crying with laughter and this book sure as hell didn't disappoint. From the very first page I loved Fran. She was a hot mess, mental and absolutely hilarious. In fact, I loved every sin...
Najveća ljubavna priča svih vremena (2012)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: If I have read this book before The Passionate Love Affair with a stranger, I would be giving this a five star and be all giddy and smiley by the end of it but I wasn't, Why? It's not that it's a bad read, it's just that I've read it before. Almost the same plot and characters as...
Niente è più vero di una bugia (2013)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: I've really tried to get away from reading this type of book lately...but there was something about this one that drew me in. Maybe the long catchy title...or quite possibly the price (daily deal on amazon!). Either way I'll admit that I kind of enjoyed this one. It really was la...
Verliebt in einen Unbekannten (2014)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Hello, Charleypops! It's been a hilarious moment of reading experience during drowning into your witty love story. I felt kind of being your victim of the your roller coaster story. It's shameful and sometimes too naughty. But when I came to the part of contemplation about meanin...
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