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Eat Naked: Unprocessed, Unpolluted, And Undressed Eating For A Healthier, Sexier You (2011)

by Margaret Floyd(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
1608820130 (ISBN13: 9781608820139)
New Harbinger Publications
review 1: There is a lot of practical information in this book. I liked that just as I would start thinking "Look lady, stop taking away all of my food!" she would temper her own advice with a good dose of realism. You're not going to avoid all soy lecithin in your diet. I double dog dare you. I ended up poking around this book, seeking out the information most useful to me. It's not really a cover to cover read. Floyd is a decent writer, but undoubtedly better nutritionist. Some of the best tidbits were on dairy, and I had a huge ah-hah on soy products (not a good one, unfortunately). I also liked her section on super foods like sprouted and fermented products (esp. as a new kefir consumer). I would recommend this for folks who are already on the train of healthy, natural eating bu... moret want more info and a boost. I think it's severe advice for a first-timer unless taken selectively.
review 2: Informative. Some of the explanations are a little technical, but there is a lot of information here for such a short book. The idea is to eat healthier, not diet and to not eat so much over-processed food. I was afraid it would be all nuts and berries, but she's not even a vegetarian. I liked the parts about not feeling guilty over what you eat and to concentrate one small change at a time. The idea that fat is essential and triggers feelings of fullness explains why it can be so hard not to over-eat on a low-fat diet. One of her major points is that if you were eating better food, your body would be happier and much less likely to over-eat. I really wanted more recipes, there were only 38 included. There is a long list of references in the back of the book, but no index. A full list of all recipes is in the table of contents.I won this through the goodreads first reads program. less
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Loved this book! Very useful and realistic! I will definitely be recommending this book to others.
Every one should read this, if not to improve your life/health, at least to be aware.
Good easy read!
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