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The Distant Shore (2012)

by Mariam Kobras(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 4
0984203540 (ISBN13: 9780984203543)
Buddhapuss Ink LLC
Stone Trilogy
review 1: If you're looking for the standard fast-read romance, this isn't it.Kobras manages to have a rock star hero who is a die-hard romantic, yet possessive and arrogant with feet of clay. Her heroine Naomi is an accomplished businesswoman who is less than brimming with self-confidence in the romance arena, and it's clear that she doubts any man, let alone Jon Stone, would actually want to be with her long-term. Sounds like real people, dealing with real problems. Self assured one minute, a pile of trembling jelly the next. When they finally get back together, it's a testament to the power of love. That tragedy nearly separates them again, possibly forever, is yet another twist of fate.You find yourself rooting for them to hang in there, grab the time they have and live it, and ... moreto ignore all others including Naomi's bombastic father, Olaf.Reminiscent of Anita Shreve or Jodi Picoult, Kobras weaves scenes with her words. This is one of those books that you either love or hate. Aren't those the best kind?Put me in the "love it" column. I can't wait to read the other books in the series.
review 2: I've never read a novel where the two romantic leads spent 90% of the story analyzing their relationship ~ why they met, why they broke up, why they got back together, why they will or won't stay together and so on and so on. I liked Jon, the leading man, very much, although I found it hard to believe that a man who grew up in Brooklyn would speak like a character in a Victorian romance novel. For most of the story I actually thought he was European, maybe from London and was surprised to find out his background began in Brooklyn, NY. The language in the novel is quite romantic and fantastical, almost to the point of eye rolling annoyance. I did not like Naomi, the leading lady, who caused Jon so much needless pain and suffering. She is a drama queen to say the least and almost seemed to relish Jon's anguish and guilt. Having said that, I did like the story - I have a soft spot in my heart for rock star stories - and I love an author who knows how to be a storyteller and has a wonderful command of the English language (and yes how to use punctuation and grammar correctly - it is a big deal). The story takes the reader all over the world, from California to Norway, and is filled with angst and heartbreak and humor and happiness, and at least one shocking moment when I was sure their relationship could never be salvaged. I recommend it as a good read, especially if you love love stories and rock stars and reading about songwriters and musicians and creative characters and don't mind the fact that this is the first story in a trilogy. I plan to read the next installment which has already been published. less
Reviews (see all)
I thought it would never end. Not my favorite, I wont be reading the rest of the series.
The story was long and dull. Naomi was totally unlikable and very rude.
10% in and I feel nothing. :(
sometimes way to intimate
Good love story.
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