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Boystown 5: Murder Book (2013)

by Marshall Thornton(Favorite Author)
4.64 of 5 Votes: 1
1608208613 (ISBN13: 9781608208616)
MLR Press
review 1: 4.5 stars: It's 1982. After the death of his partner Bert Harker (that's not a spoiler, it's announced on the first page), private investigator Nick Nowak is still on the trail of the Bughouse Slasher, using clues from the murder book that Bert left behind. The cops can't help much; they're busy trying to find the person responsible for poisoning bottles of Tylenol. Nick is shattered by Bert's death, and becomes obsessed with finding the Slasher to the detriment of his health and his relationship with his other friends. The Boystown series is dark, but this intallment is downright bleak, with no relief at the end. In spite of that, it's a page turner. I was thoroughly absorbed through the entire book.
review 2: It's kind of interesting that this book is actuall
... morey IMO the most romantic one so far. I enjoy these books a lot, even though Nick is everything I despise in a person. It's ironic that this book had the least amount of sex, but we had to wait for poor Bert to die before Nick became somewhat faithful. Really enjoyed the mystery, kind of felt like it could be the last in the series, or start a whole new adventure. The first paragraph shocked the crap outta me! less
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Marshall Thornton- I want my heart back dammit. Cause it's been crushed. Fucking crushed
Marshall Thornton's best work yet - he just keeps getting better and better.
The best instalment. Excellent.
Wow. Very emotional book!
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