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The Plot Whisperer: Secrets Of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master (2011)

by Martha Alderson(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 1
1440525889 (ISBN13: 9781440525889)
Adams Media
review 1: A surprisingly simple, straightforward, and very useful book on plotting which provides practical tools for making sure your plots are forward-driven, character-driven and rich in detail and conflict. It also has much applicable advice about how not to get bogged down in useless activity, procrastination, avoiding the task at hand, and the mechanics of being a writer in general. A good tool to add to your arsenal. - BH.
review 2: Very helpful. I attended Martha Alderson's lecture a few months back, thinking I probably wouldn't get much out of it but found just the opposite and ended up buying her book. Alderson not only gives suggestions for plotting one's story, but also tips for how to push through a section when you're stuck. I am terrible at creatin
... moreg outlines for myself, but her suggestions helped me to draw an timeline of my novel and plot the all the scenes. This book is a wonderful reference tool and handy to keep you going when you're feeling driven (out of fear) to go back and rewrite the beginning of your story for the umpteenth time. less
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wonderful guide to the perplexed would be author! see her youtube.com channel for FREE help!
Very good and will use this for all my works.
Great book!
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