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Mom And Me And Mom (2013)

by Maya Angelou(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 4
1844089142 (ISBN13: 9781844089147)
Virago Press (UK)
review 1: Angelou paints a vivid portrait of her mother, Vivian Baxter. It's almost as she is introducing a stranger (or character!) as she has lived with her grandmother for most of her childhood. When grandmother decides it's time for Maya and her brother to move to California and be with their mother, Maya doesn't know what to call her and decides on "Lady." Surprisingly, Vivian is fine with this and the mother-daughter duo begin making up for lost time. Maya's relationship with her brother, her stepfather, and grandmother, as well as her career path, are described easily, though most will find this a unique and unusual family. Read for yourself!
review 2: I listened to this book read by Maya Angelou herself. The story of her life journey with her mother, and being a
... moremother, was enriched by her reading of it. This was a story of many emotions, told without pity, yet with warmth and feeling.I've not read any of other books by her. I'm not sure why, but I will certainly be looking out for her other writings, and if they are available on audio, and read by her, I shall be selecting that option. less
Reviews (see all)
I read this in one evening. Fantastic narrative for an intriguing and amazing life.
It was ok. I liked learning about Maya Angelou.
Who knew Maya Angelou's Mom was a bad ass!
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