Darina Allen’s Fish Papillote with Hollandaise Sauce

Named for the pouch in which it cooks, this dish steams the fish in foil while imbuing it with the richness of Irish butter made with grass-fed cow’s milk. Fresh herbs, a salt crust and quality fresh fish from the remaining legs on which this simple, elegant classic stand.

Serves:  1 Ingredients:

For each person:

4 ounce fillet of fresh fish, skinned, such as salmon, halibut, turbot, sea bass, monkfish or trout

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

2 ounces (4 tablespoons) Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter

Sprig of fresh fennel or dill

Hollandaise sauce, purchased or from recipe below

Mixture of chopped fresh herbs for garnish


Salt the piece of fish and leave for 10 minutes. Take a sheet of aluminum foil and fold in half. Open the fold and smear a little Kerrygold Pure Irish Butter on the underneath sheet, place the piece of fish on this, season with freshly ground pepper, put the remainder of the butter and a sprig of one of the fresh herbs on top.

Fold over the foil and seal the edges. Bake in a preheated moderate oven at 350° F, for 10 to 12 minutes; serve immediately with a little Hollandaise sauce. Spoon a mixture of fresh herbs into the papillotes just before you serve them.


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