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The Delphi Room (2013)

by Melia McClure(Favorite Author)
4.24 of 5 Votes: 3
1771481854 (ISBN13: 9781771481854)
Chizine Publications
review 1: Simply a wonderful beautifully written novel of finding love after you have given up and in am impossible place. McClure writes a story through letters passed through a wall and instead of being choppy for the reader it flows. The characters were enduring or even likable in my opinion, but the descriptions and the way the author wrote about feelings pulls you into the story despite the characters. Would recommend to those looking for something a bit different and enjoys true literary works.
review 2: This book grabbed me on the first page. I was trying to save it for my vacation, but simply couldn't wait to see what happened to Velvet & Brinkley. The format of the book is most unusual, but very readable. The characters, although dead are so alive and be
... morelievable, and the subject matter dark, but laced with delicious humor. I found myself laughing out loud at times. This writer paints a perfect picture. You can see and feel the characters and their surroundings as if you are there, and the story is sensitive and unpredictable. Don't miss this one. Everyone will be talking about it less
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Loved the book but thought the ending was weak...
Absolutely must read! I couldn't put it down!
Oh my God. Literally no words.
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