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Mina Wentworth And The Invisible City (2012)

by Meljean Brook(Favorite Author)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
1101564636 (ISBN13: 9781101564639)
review 1: Great continuation of the 1st book's story. Another murder mystery that involves Mina, the Iron Duke, and the bashful Constable Newberry. The love/need is still very intense between the main characters. SPOILERS.... The only negative, but it's a big one, is that the Iron Duke is portrayed as an insecure, fearful husband, which he over compensates with shagging his wife. Don't get me wrong the "shagging" scenes are HOT and the Iron Duke is true to his original character; quite sensual! It's just that I think that his character could of been described differently, in a more masculine way. Though, that was a bit annoying at times it was still a good novella.
review 2: Too much "shagging", too many overly dramatic thoughts a la "oh, but, god, did she love him/h
... moreer/that child" and like, to show how much Mina/Rhys care for Rhys/Mina/that child, and too little and too weak of a mystery. Well, it is just a short bonus story, and it's pretty normal for these to be just nice extras and nothing more. It seems that Mina's and Rhys' story was over at the end of Iron Duke and you don't miss much if you skip this little eSpecial - and maybe continue directly with Heart of Steel. less
Reviews (see all)
Loved it, just as i loved Iron Duke. Meljean brook does have a way with words.
I really enjoy Mina and the story showed a great side of Rhys.
Great short story in a terrific series. Love Mina and Rhys!
I liked this one a lot. Smart writing
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