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Blackmailing The Billionaire (2000)

by Melody Anne(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 4
Gossamer Publishing
Billionaire Bachelors
review 1: Blackmailing the billionaire- “She narrowed her eyes as she glared at the magazine picture of him she had in her locker as motivation. If he thought she was some whimpering girl who so easily took ‘no’ for an answer, he certainly had another thing coming.” “She was truly one in a million.” “Our minds tend to retreat, to protect us, when something traumatic happens.” “This was a new voice, an incredibly deep, masculine voice, which seemed to purr. She was becoming more motivated to open her eyes, curious to see if the face matched the voice. She felt her head shake slightly as she tried to clear out the cobwebs” “I’ve had many women fall at my feet, but never jump out in front of my moving vehicle,” “He had to be at least six foot three, maybe f... moreour. His hair was dark, shining in the pale room, and expertly cut, not too short, nor too long. There was an endearing cowlick that caused his otherwise perfect hairstyle to seem a bit ruffled.” “He was disturbingly attractive in a way that would easily make women throw themselves at him, or possibly his moving vehicle. She knew she wouldn’t have done it on purpose, though” “If she had to come up with one word to describe him, it would be, delicious.” “He came up to her bed, his midnight blue eyes connecting with her own startled blue ones. His lips turned up in a lazy smile, as if he could see into her mind and knew exactly what she was thinking. It must be nice to be so confident, she thought.” “She was the most stubborn, frustrating, irritating woman he’d ever had the displeasure of having to deal with. She didn’t want to admit her pain, though it was obvious she was ready to pass out.” “She turned her head, expectantly. She was a bit upset with herself that she was hoping it was Max. She didn’t need to start wishing for him to come see her” “The way he spoke sent tingles through her body. No wonder women swooned at his feet. He was certainly swoon-worthy. She wished he would just go away. She wasn’t at her best. His voice was like warm honey, and his shining blue eyes seemed to see straight into her soul. She could feel the heat infuse her cheeks. The dang monitor was beeping faster, the longer he stared at her - and his lips turned up at the sound. He knew his effect on her and he was thoroughly enjoying himself.” “She had never felt as powerful as she did in that moment. It was quite euphoric, she decided.” “He looked deeply into her eyes - she knew to see if he could intimidate her. Suddenly, his mouth flashed up in what looked like a genuine smile. She looked at him in stunned silence. She didn’t understand why he’d be smiling when she’d so obviously won. She was beginning to worry she may not have really won anything after all.” “He’d been completely against it at first, but the more she spoke, the more he realized he wanted to spend time with her. She was stirring something in him, and he needed some time with her to figure out exactly what that was.” “Max’s lips came down on hers in an intoxicating kiss. She pushed against him for a moment, and then forgot every reason why she shouldn’t be kissing the mysterious Max Anderson, and allowed him to seduce her. His lips went from almost punishing, to soft and seductive, in a matter of seconds, and she felt a pressure unlike anything she’d ever felt before start to build in her stomach. His tongue slowly caressed her bottom lip, demanding entrance into the soft folds of her mouth. A shudder rippled through her as her mouth slowly opened. He discovered every hidden recess of her mouth as his tongue tangled with hers. Her hands glided up his neck, holding him close, afraid of him pulling away. He didn’t seem to have any desire to break their contact, though.” “He thought about the kiss a few moments ago and couldn’t keep the smile from his face. He could get used to waking up like that each morning. He wasn’t a saint and had been with many beautiful women, but he never spent the night with them. Once his needs were met he had no desire to cuddle and tell each other their life story. He’d never actually woken up with a woman, and found it wasn’t an unpleasant experience. Cassie McIntyre had him intrigued.” “He was right behind her and had his head bent forward so the words were whispered right behind her ear, his hot breath lightly running across her bare skin. She couldn’t stop the shudder that trembled through her. He was really good at causing her body to go haywire.” “Don’t look so smug, Cassie, the day is young” “She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but the man caused unspeakable things to happen in her body with just a glance, or a slight breath on her skin. She couldn’t imagine what he could do if he put in a hundred percent effort” “She was actually exhilarated by his temper. It was much better to see some real emotion flashing in him, other than the persona he seemed determined to show her. He wasn’t giving an inch for her to have an interesting article. She was learning she had to drag everything from him and was considering different torture methods to achieve her goal” “The amount of passion he exhibited in his everyday life had to make him a fantastic lover. She couldn’t imagine he did anything in half measures” “The more bland and unaffected she reacted, the more irritated she’d make him.” “The longer he was around her the more he wanted to know her every secret. He’d never been so fascinated with any woman and he didn’t like the power she seemed to hold over him. He knew she desired him as much as he wanted her.” “His smile only grew wider, his dimple clearly showing in his perfectly chiseled cheeks. He could make both young and old fall at his feet. When he didn’t get his way the first time, he simply changed direction and made sure to win another way. She was ready to spill her guts, though there wasn’t much to say. She knew she needed to be on higher guard or it wouldn’t take him any time to know every secret she’d ever wanted to keep hidden.” “Cassie knew she wouldn’t need to go to the gym after having lunch with Amy. Her stomach hurt from laughing for so long.” “She didn’t dare look in the mirror. She was sure the sight would frighten her worse than if she saw a ghost.” “She’d spent so much time looking at the man over the last few weeks, she had everything about him memorized. The way his voice was like satin, sliding against her skin, causing quivers through her. How his incredibly bright eyes could mesmerize her, making her stomach tighten in need. She didn’t even want to think about the way his lean and muscular body caused her sleepless nights” “She devoured him with her eyes. Before she could turn away, his head swung around, catching her appraising look. His lips turned up in a knowing smile and he slowly made his way toward her. Even the man’s walk was sexy, his thighs flexing under the tight material. She was almost in a trance.” “He reached his hand up, slowing brushing a piece of her hair from her face, taking his time, tucking it behind her ear as he’d done before. His fingers traced the back of her ear in a whisper soft movement, causing goose bumps to instantly appear on her skin. His eyes were locked to hers and she forgot how to move. His smile slowly grew bigger and she wanted nothing more than for him to lean the scant few inches separating them and connect his lips to hers.” “Please don’t come near me, she silently begged. If he wrapped his incredible arms around her, she’d be lost” “He was sexy all the time, but when he really tried, he was devastating.” “She’d never done something so simple as to prepare a meal with the opposite sex. Max was humming a song she didn’t recognize, and the scents were drifting around them. She found she liked the sensation of cooking with someone else. She had to remind herself this was strictly business, not a date, before she got too comfortable in her little fantasy.” “Why couldn’t she just be like Darcy Undermost, back in high school, who would jump any guy that asked? She was thinking that at least the girl got some pleasure, even if everyone called her a slut.” “He knew she was interviewing him, and technically for this trip he was her boss, but he couldn’t seem to think anymore when she was around. He never had office affairs, never slept with an employee, but this was a special case and he was losing the battle to resist her.” “He found he enjoyed her company, he liked how she wasn’t afraid to stand up to him. Most of all, he liked that she wasn’t pulling out all the stops to seduce him. As a matter of fact, she was doing just the opposite, hiding her body beneath the unflattering pajamas, not wearing make-up, or even trying to appear sexy.” “She’d be disappointed to know none of it was working. She looked far sexier to him in her flannels than she would’ve looked in lingerie. She just had a natural sex appeal that wouldn’t stop calling to him, and in the remote cabin he had no desire to fight it. He felt the tightening in his pants, and turned from her.” “She could taste the sweet wine on his lips mixed with his own intoxicating scent. She didn’t even try to fight the kiss she wanted so desperately. She melted into him, bringing her hands up around his strong shoulders, clinging to him.” “She couldn’t turn away as the firelight reflected off his naked chest, even more defined than she could’ve ever imagined. Her dreams had nothing on the reality of the man.” “She rubbed up and down his back, loving his weight pushing her into the cushions. She loved the feel of his chest brushing her still sensitive breasts, and how his skin glistened with a slight sheen of sweat. She loved just about everything about the man who just gave her such intense pleasure.” “She’d never before begged for anything in her life, but she couldn’t seem to stop begging.” “She knew the situation was anything but funny, but there was nothing they could do about it, so why not just let go and laugh? It could be worse.” “I’m not a robot. I do have feelings, but I’m just careful who I let in” “She knew it was the chicken’s way out, but she couldn’t help herself. He made her feel things, he made her want what she shouldn’t want.” “For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It felt like more than just desire, but he couldn’t think that way. He decided he was going to have her, all of her, not just a piece. He’d figure the rest out later, but for the time being she couldn’t escape him, and when he put his full effort into something, he got what he wanted.” “With just a look, the man could make her give him anything he ever wanted. How could he hold so much power over her? It was a bit frustrating, when she’d always guarded herself so well.” “It would be so easy to get lost in his embrace. She couldn’t remember why it was such a bad idea for them to make love again, but she knew, somewhere in the back of her mind, that she had to stop him. She’d figure out why later.” “Max bent down and picked her up, thinking he could get used to carrying her around. He loved the feel of her in his arms. He was beginning to think he wasn’t going to let her go. Never had he thought of happily ever after with one woman, but the more time he spent with Cassie, the more the thought appealed to him. He couldn’t imagine letting her go.” “I think you’re going to be the death of me, woman” “Cassie glanced at the crowd, and as if they were physically connected, she immediately found Max.” “He wasn’t willing to put an emotion to how he felt about her, but the time they’d spent together had been better than anything he could remember. He’d never enjoyed being with a woman like he’d enjoyed their every moment. He found himself anxious to see her. He loved how she looked lying in his bed, her chest softly rising and falling as she slept, with the morning light streaming through the window, caressing her features. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but there was so much more to her than just beauty. She had a way of drawing people toward her. She was full of life and laughter, and she made him feel unbelievable. He could make love to her night and day, but beyond that he could lie next to her for hours just listening to the sound of her voice.” “She ran until her lungs burned, until her sides ached. She ran, liking the feeling of physical pain in her body. She needed more, to take away the aching in her heart. She ran for several miles, her feet aching, her body a mess. She didn’t care, she didn’t care about anything at that moment.” “Kinsey dressed in designer jeans and a bright pink sweater. Only she could get away with such bold colors. Kinsey was stunning with her long, dark hair, and brown eyes, so dark, they almost looked black. She’d always been stunning, but never used her looks to her advantage. She was comfortable with herself, and portrayed confidence to the world. It was just one more thing Cassie loved about her.” “Are you ready to take the world by storm?” “They continued looking at each other, his eyes filled with frustration and anger, hers filled with desire, fear, and uncertainty. The desire had his body hardening, and his hands clenching. He was close to saying the hell with it, and pulling her tight against him. He knew it was what they both wanted.” “Cassie’s insides turned to lava as she looked into his smoldering eyes.” “She knew that look in his eyes, it was hunger, pure and simple.” “She wanted so much more from him. She wanted his hands all over her, his lips caressing her overheated skin. She wanted his love. She wanted all of him. The thoughts made her want to break down and cry. She assured herself she’d do that as soon as he left.” “He loved her spunk, her fire. He loved that she was unafraid to challenge him. He loved her and he decided he wasn’t leaving until she admitted she loved him. There was no way she could’ve faked the look in her eyes when they were making love. She may have a wall up, but no different than the one he’d had up until she cleverly ripped it down.” “She had her chin up, her eyes shooting sparks, and her body tense. She was gorgeous and he wouldn’t let her go. He needed her in his life. She’d always keep him humble. The thought made him smile, which caused her to glare. Oh, he felt alive. He could feel the arousal rushing through his body. It took every ounce of control he’d ever owned in his life to not close those few inches and capture her lips. He knew her anger would be turned to passion in seconds, and they could both be satisfied. Soon, he promised himself. He wanted her, yes, but it was so much more than that. He didn’t want to wake another single moment without her by his side. He wanted their nights to be filled with passion and their days to be filled with romance, challenges, and love. He wanted a happily ever after.” “I love you, Max. Is that what you need to hear? Do you need to know you’re the most amazing lover in the universe? Well, it’s true. I love you so much that when you walk out that door, I don’t know how I’ll breathe again. I don’t know how or when it happened, but I started picturing every moment with you. I have dreamed about carrying your child. I love you so much that I don’t know how to face tomorrow, much less the many years of loneliness loving you entails” “I love you, too, Cassie. I don’t know when it happened, either, but I can’t stop thinking about you. The thought of waking up, even one more morning, without you is unbearable. I’m stubborn, irritating, bossy, and an ass a lot of the time, but I’m hoping you’ll overlook all that and say you will never leave me again” “I want you to be my wife. I want to give you those children you’ve been dreaming about. I want a miniature Cassie running around the house, tugging on my heartstrings. I want every single night to end with you wrapped up tightly against my body. Put me out of my misery and tell me yes. I know it’s not romantic and I should at least be down on one knee, but I don’t want to let you go. Please, marry me, and make me the happiest man alive” “There was no doubt she’d be his. Her heart filled once again as she got everything she could have ever hoped for. What fools they both had been. She hated to even think of the many tears she’d shed, when all it would have taken was a few spoken words, and she could’ve been in his arms so much sooner.” “Yes, a million times over, yes.” “I love you, Cassie McIntyre. More than I ever thought possible.” “I love you, Max Anderson, and I will show you every day of our lives how much.” “Cassie fell asleep with a smile still on her face, no longer afraid to dream of her future.”
review 2: 2 cousin Andersons down and 2 to go. This one was pretty good, different than the previous 4. Cassie is an aspiring journalist, but with the competitive market she needs a little extra to get her foot in the door. She pursues Max Anderson because he is the only one that refuses to do interviews. Fortunately/unfortunately. ..she gets hit by a car....driven by Max, and instead of suing or trying to get money, she simply asks to follow him for a month so she can write an article about him. Reluctantly, he agrees and over the course of the month they both get more than they bargained for. less
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In the end, i'm still not sure whether Cassie got publish her interview with Max.
Ahhhh I can't get enough of these but the weekends over....
like other series.. it was OK.
Love the billionaire series
Love this book
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