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The Fifty-Seven Lives Of Alex Wayfare (2014)

by M.G. Buehrlen(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 5
Strange Chemistry
Alex Wayfare
review 1: Most of this story sits perfectly in the 3 star zone, it's good but I wasn't overly enthusiastic about it. Then we get to the end and that was where I could start to see how intricate the plot was becoming. Sooo much better than the rest of the book. As you may have ascertained from the synopsis, this story is about time travel via reincarnation. As time travel rules can vary from book to book, the author spelled out her rules by way of an infodump. There are times when the infodump is appropriate and I think in this case it was. Get the rules out of the way and get on with the story. It's a bit intricate to give you a decent short version, but I can say that once you understand the rules and all of the players involved, which brings you well into the second half of... more the book, it gets pretty good but now I'm left wondering when the next installment is coming out and how many installments there are.
review 2: Time travel stories are tough. Tough to manage as a writer and tough to wrap your head around as a reader. I've made my way through several time travel and alternate reality books lately and Alex is by far my favorite. I kept watching for time flaws but if one seemed to appear, the author usually explained. I have one lingering doubt on a comment Alex made to Levi, but I have hope that might be explained in the next book. And how the variant originally got created is sort of a which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg thing that I'm still pondering. But that is not a bad thing. I thought the world building was well done and I grew fond of the characters over the course of the book. There were some lyrical passages that I stopped and read over several times. I expect more of those in the next book. The only negative I can mention is the risk in the status of the second book since the Strange Chemistry imprint has been retired. The author still talks about the next book on her blog, so that seems to be a good sign. But don't let that risk stop you from reading this book. It's well done and deserves a fan base to rival Divergent's. less
Reviews (see all)
By golly, this book broke me. So many questions left unanswered, and my heart is still hurting.
I thought the ending was confusing. Until then this book really held my interest.
I really enjoyed this book and am yearning for the second book already!
So much fun! I can't wait for the next one.
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