New Book – Every Seventh Wave by Daniel Glattauer (Chapter 1)

Publishing year: 2009


In this new part of the series Emmi continues emailing Leo even though every single time she gets the same automatic reply from the server. She still shows her wit and humour by corresponding with the Systems Manager, which the automatic reply tells her to contact.

Months go by, and then Emmi is surprised when she doesn’t get the expected automatic reply, and shortly afterwards Leo replies, telling her that he is back from Boston. We know that she has been checking his apartment as she mentions that there was light and the people who he let his place to must have left the light on all night. Then Leo tells her that he is back from Boston. So now what will happen? Is Leo back for good? Did he really spend all these months in Boston? Will they now continue corresponding despite Bernhard’s email to Leo? Will they finally meet up?

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