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Manhood For Amateurs (2009)

by Michael Chabon(Favorite Author)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 3
0061490180 (ISBN13: 9780061490187)
review 1: Wow. I mean, wow. One of the best books I've read in a long while. It's not for everyone, but as a man in his mid-40s who grew up on the east coast and currently has young kids (not to mention having lived a life of a bacon-eating quasi-Jew), I am smack dab in the bullseye of the target market. I am actually going to go back and read a bunch of chapters again. An amazing memoir that really looks at his life and the meaning of it all. As a man, a father, a Jew, a son, a husband and a human.
review 2: Honest and hilarious, filled to the brim with wit and charm. In Manhood for Amateurs award winning author Michael Chabon shares episodes of his life (sincere accounts: equal parts amusing, moving, heartbreaking and cringe inducing) alongside his thoughtful musings
... moreon topics ranging from the evolution of Lego to astronomy; all of this detailed with his usual lyrical genius and an abundance of pop-culture. less
Reviews (see all)
I really enjoyed a handful of the essays, such as "The Splendors of Crap" and "On Canseco".
Very elaborate writing. Chapeau to Mr Chabon!
Not bad,but nothing mind blowing.
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