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The Astonishing Secret Of Awesome Man (2011)

by Michael Chabon(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
0061914622 (ISBN13: 9780061914621)
Balzer & Bray
review 1: This was a surprise discovery by my husband in Malaprop's Bookstore in Asheville; we are both big Michael Chabon fans, and so Paul picked up the book to read to Sophia. She was so excited to recognize a superhero ("Like Mr. Incredible," she said), and she could not get enough of his adventures. Plus, the lesson (that after being awesome for a long time, you need food and a hug from your mom and just a little rest time) is PERFECT for toddler readers. And this book inspired Sophia to call me "Awesome Mom." How can I quibble with that?
review 2: I have loved spending time in an elementary library again, and seeing the books by some of my favorite authors...of YAL or adult fiction!Michael Chabon has cred! And his superhero, Awesome Man, has a secret...a deep secre
... moret...about his identity.I love the tone and voice of this book...words are important, and Awesome Man knows how to use them, almost as well as he wields his superhero weapons.Fun, fun, fun. less
Reviews (see all)
Almost as appealing as "The Incredibles" or Calvin's Stupendous Man. Charming.
I liked the twist at the end. A great book to share with little ones.
Cam adores this book. It's pretty fun to read as well.
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