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The Sicilian's Unexpected Duty (2014)

by Michelle Smart(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
0373132387 (ISBN13: 9780373132386)
Irresistible Sicilians
review 1: This was a feel good book. It is a little wordy if an HP can be wordy. I was so tired of reading about Pepe's betrayal at 18. I understood it affected him but I did not need to read about it every time he did something unreasonable or cruel to Cara. Overall it was a good book and I did feel good about the ending. They had chemistry and he knew it long before the opportunity to use her for his brother's sake came up. I have to be honest I am not sure I could have let the betrayal and his treatment of her go in a few months but the book is only so long. I did like the ending and it made me not dislike Pepe so much.
review 2: Always, always enjoy Ms Smart's books, which are on my 'automatic buy' list, because she never fails to deliver. Pepe, to quote, is a b
... moreit of a 'git', at first--which makes for great reading. The more gittish the hero, the harder he falls, always worth watching! Cara hold her own against him, with quiet dignity. No spoilers, but the tragic moment is handled with considerable sensitivity. A hugely engaging read! less
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Heck, this book is good. Be warned you might need a box of tissues along the way! Fantastic stuff.
melhor que o anterior da série, mas mesmo assim é mais ou menos.
I cried. I admit it. Thank goodness for the epilogue.
nice conclusion to Irresistible Sicilians duet.
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