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Steampunk Prime: A Vintage Steampunk Reader (2010)

by Mike Ashley(Favorite Author)
3.41 of 5 Votes: 1
1933065184 (ISBN13: 9781933065182)
NonStop Press
review 1: A collection of short stories published in the 1890s-early 1900s that show the historical roots of the Steampunk theme, this was more fascinating to me as a historian than a fiction reader. Before writers worked on our fears of nuclear energy, they considered the perils of electricity run amok. For the most part the plots are pretty thin, but I love the Victorian/Edwardian visions of the future where airships are made of silk, celluloid and aluminum, and Wisconsin is the base for a planetary telegraph station.
review 2: A genre that has always interested me ; to imagine that all of these stories were written so long ago is really something. (late 1890's - 1916) I have to admit that I wasn't exactly in love with any of these short stories in particular but the c
... moreollection as a whole does show just how imaginative humans can be, and for that I appreciated them. Maybe the characters or conclusions didn't blow me away but the concepts and ideas were what made this and helped spawn what is one of my favorite sub-genres of science fiction. less
Reviews (see all)
Ok, I guess I'm not much of a steampunk fan. I didn't care for any of the stories in this anthology.
Not for me. Thought I'd like at least a few of the stories but didn't like any I started.
The book had great stories to start but lost its charm from the middle onwards
eeeh it wasn't what I expected.
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