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Waking Up Married (2012)

by Mira Lyn Kelly(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 5
Harlequin KISS
review 1: 26th December, 2014"So, heartbroken? No.Disappointed? Sure.Relieved? Hell, yes."I love this book already! I was actually expecting a book version of What happens in Vegas, which I don't really like. But I can't say why I still had to read this! Maybe because I had to find out that it was way better than the aforementioned movie! Totally in love with Connor!Probably because he's so much like Philip(Sweet Revenge), the only fictional character I can say I've fallen for!
review 2: The second Harlequin novella for our Harlequin-readalong, and I would say I liked this better than the one we read last week.Again, it was predictable, but I liked that it made me think. I could relate to Megan so much that I felt her dilemma. For one thing, I liked the dark past they ca
... morerried, for I don't like perfect characters. I just hated that it ended too soon. It didn't end in an abrupt way, but I hoped there was much more to it. less
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Flabbergasted at the poor reviews! I want this made into a movie!
Very easy to read, cute mushy unconventional love story.
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