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The S Before Ex (2011)

by Mira Lyn Kelly(Favorite Author)
3.45 of 5 Votes: 3
0373528353 (ISBN13: 9780373528356)
Tabloid Scandals
review 1: These stories are becoming all too alike. Couple suffer a tragedy, separates, the wife remains faithful during 9 years and the husband arranges several women and have relationships exposed in the media.He does not seek the ex wife during all this time and only when she decides to divorce that he wakes up to the fact that he still loves her. ..Agree to have an affair to exorcise the past.Nothing comes out as they imagine and everything ends up as always ... very predictable.
review 2: I know many will like this book simply because of the angst. However, for me, I couldnt stand the pity-party lovin heroine. Top it off, I didn't buy his love for her when he was only 22 or even later...SPOILER:They marry when she's 18 because she's preggers. Shortly thereafter h
... moreer baby dies and she (rightfully) goes grief-psycho and pushes the hero away. He drowns himself in work and she moves away to school and tell hims she's never coming back. He goes to see her at her school and see's a man coming out of her room and wrongfully thinks she's moved on (misunderstanding) and he feels relieved?!! WTF..... Because he can now safely move on with his life without guilt, she's been so grief stricken, she's pushed him away. And how well moves on too... with numerous relationships with other women and so on while the pathetic heroine remains celibate for 8 friggin YEARS, because apparently no man on earth moves her... The first night they make love after the years apart, she pitifully confesses how he was the only one EVER for her, this right after he confesses how many lovers he has had over the years after their break... I just wanted to cringe... The book doesnt get any better, he doesnt even want to kiss and make-up and work on their marriage, no, they're only screwing until their divorce finalizes, and the stupid heroine just goes along.... *rolls eyes*She gave him up for his own good, he was GLAD when she gave him a reason to move on.... I hated this HP. If this book was written in the 70s I could maybe swallow this plot but what sane women these days would put up with this horse shit.. less
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It took little bit for me to get into the book. Once it started picking up I really enjoyed it.
Miniseries: Tabloid Scandals
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