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All Jacked Up (2000)

by Murray Carpenter(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Extremely relevant reading for anyone who consumes caffeine, the typical CDM ("caffeine delivery mechanism") being coffee (not my case incidentally, hate the stuff myself), but there are myriad other options available in the market (such as the 3 or 4 I adopt). It's important to understand that we are under influence and the proven consequences and implications of the fact.The book is well structured and nicely written, a compelling reading actually. Of course, our zeitgeist being what it is everywhere, with ever more controlling States (both "nanny state" and "police state" apply), there is in the not so far horizon a future of control and stringently regulation also for this... The one thing we are not seemingly allowed to be anywhere on the planet is free adults, with a... morectual agency and ability to make complex and reasoned choices.From Heinlein's "The Notebooks of Lazarus Long": “When a place gets crowded enough to require ID’s, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.” Well, sadly not yet, not yet.So, let's enjoy the caffeine, all the SCADs we can bear, while we still have the rare freedom to be the ones who decide on that. It surely won't last.
review 2: Journalism done right.Everything worth knowing about caffeine in less than 300 pages. Occasionally peppered with "fluff" like "it was a warm Tuesday, while I drove..." which I personally find annoying, but isn't intrinsically wrong. What really struck me was the scientific accuracy, with detailed reports of the various research done, without over simplifying (which is the general tendency of science articles for laymen) and adhering to basic scientific principles. She says just enough on each topic without leaving you misinformed, and without boring you. At times I felt four stars were more appropriate, since there's really only so much I want to know about caffeine, but in the end I thought that a book so well done deserved better. less
Reviews (see all)
Loaded with interesting info, even though I don't agree with many of his conclusions.
Got through most of this but some of the court case stuff did not hold my interest.
the benefits and drawbacks of caffeine use and how it affects our daily lives.
This book made me really glad I gave up caffeine about a year ago.
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