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Hands Of My Father: A Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, And The Language Of Love (2009)

by Myron Uhlberg(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
0553806882 (ISBN13: 9780553806885)
review 1: مذكرات لطفل صحيح السمع من أبوين أصمين ، تخيل أن تلد في عائلة لا تتحدث بالكلمات بل بالإشارة !، بالنسبة لي أجد الأمر صعباً و عملية التواصل بينهم صعبة نوعاً ما ، نعم في هذه المذكرات يسرد مايرون كل ما في طفولته ، لكن المختلف في هذه المذكرات هو : كيف جعل والدي مايرون لغة الإشارة إلى لغة جميلة مليئة بالحيوية والنشاط .
review 2: As the first born (hearing) child of deaf parents, Myron had many adult responsibilities. He had to translate for them, of course, but this sometimes put him into adult roles. When his brother was
... more born, he was his parents' ears and when the younger son showed signs of epilepsy, Myron also became caretaker and nurse. His dad, who had heard for his first three years, wanted Myron to explain sounds to him. His younger brother never became proficient in sign, so Myron interpreted for him as well. Add parent-teacher conferences, doctor visits and bargaining with local retailers, and the poor kid is inundated. this was during the Great Depression to boot, complicating everything. The worst part was that Myron heard people calling his father dumb and their family "the deafies." The most beautiful part was what Myron learned from his father's hands. They could express language in a magnificent way, because his whole body and face embodied the words. His hands also caressed both boys and their mother in the most endearing way. I thank my friend Linda A. for loaning this book to me. less
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Interesting insight into the lives of two deaf parents with hearing children.
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