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The Scent Of Rain And Lightning (2010)

by Nancy Pickard(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
0345471016 (ISBN13: 9780345471017)
Ballantine Books
review 1: The author does a mostly nice job of setting the scene, especially when it comes to the atmosphere--both good and bad--of a small town. The characters were also interesting, although, curiously, the protagonist seemed a bit of a blank slate. Perhaps that was intentional--Jody was defined in the book, as in her fictional life, by the murder of her parents and not much more.Pickard also did pretty well with misdirection. She uses the third-person limited perspective to give the reader only parts of the picture at a time, so that you're left thinking you've figured it out only to realize, after more of the picture is filled in, that you weren't quite right.That said, I did think the ending came a bit out of left field. Thinking back, perhaps sheer process of elimination shoul... mored have been the biggest clue, but it really felt like this book needed to be longer, with more time to really set up the big reveal and its aftermath. I checked my reading progress at one point only to be shocked that it was at 85%. It felt like there should have been a lot more story to tell.All in all, I enjoyed it, but am left thinking of the ways it could have been even better.
review 2: I thought this would be a light beach read with mystery and danger. Instead by the second page the protagonist is In flagrante delicto with a cow poke named Red, when her uncles unexpectedly visit. Yet the protagonist continues to talk about her paramour, Red who knows how to "wrangle cattle, ride horses and this" that was not verbatim the actual words sounded even more appropriate of a cheap cowboy romance novel. I wish there were a different name for multi-paged trash like this. The word book has such a positive connotation to me, I hate to refer to this thing as such. less
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I loved this- great story with a unique mystery.
Awesome mystery!
Loved it!
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