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A House United -Changing Children's Hearts And Behaviors By Teaching Self-Government (2009)

by Nicholeen Peck(Favorite Author)
4.41 of 5 Votes: 1
Teaching Self-Government
review 1: Although I would say some of the parenting suggestions she recommends are a little strict and beyond what I would probably initiate in my own home, I found that I liked most of her ideas and would like to apply at some sort of level. I loved that she is also LDS, so we share a similar perspective on the family. She also has a great track record with raising and rearing her own, as well as lots of foster children, up in righteousness. I really love the idea of having a family vision and family standard, as well as having a family government and economy. Besides being strict, I didn't really like that most of her punishments/consequences is extra chores or no snacks for the day. I think sometimes natural consequences could be better teachers, as suggested in the Love and Log... moreic parenting book. There is far too much that I want to remember, so I would ideally like to own my own copy one day. Overall great parenting book that I would recommend to my friends!
review 2: I read through this as fast as possible and now am reading it again to try to understand the concepts even better. We are using the ideas in our home to try to change the way we communicate with each other and have a more unified family. Nicholeen tends to repeat herself too much and at times I wondered if the editor should have taken more out but overall I think this book and the ideas presented will help my family in many ways. Worth reading! less
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There is real parenting wisdom in this one. I think it could use a good dose of editing, however.
I can't recommend this book highly enough. It has changed and strengthened our family.
Too specific. Too many words for one point.
Best parenting book EVER!!!!
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