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Sugar Daddy (2000)

by Nicole Andrews Moore(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Sugar Daddy is such a great Modern Day love story. Once being a single mother myself, I could relate to the struggles Hannah had. The stress of working, paying the bills, keeping a roof over the children's heads, keeping food on the table and managing your time between everything, can be so overwhelming. I found myself fully engrossed in this novel after only a few pages. The characters are so well described that I felt like they were friends or family of mine. At times, I felt tears welling in my eyes, then, by the next turn of the page, I would be chuckling to myself. I have added Nicole Andrews Moore to my favorite authors list and can not wait to read her next book!
review 2: I ordered this book without reading the back cover to see what it was about. I lik
... moree to look at the pictures and the name to see if I can figure it out.. I was so wrong..In a good way.. I loved this book and Gavin and Hannah were the best. I was able to feel there pain. See there happiness and fell in love with the story. I will say that towards the end, Ms. Moore kept me wondering what the outcome was going to be.I will admit I was a bit nervous.. Need to have a sequel.. less
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4 fantastic stars ! What a sweet love story ! I would definitely recommend this book to friends.
Had the potential to be a GREAT book but it just gets my OKAY!
Don't know what it was but I couldn't get into this story:(
2.5 maybe a 3.
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