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The Rhythm Of Secrets (2010)

by Patti Lacy(Favorite Author)
4.23 of 5 Votes: 5
082542674X (ISBN13: 9780825426742)
Kregel Publications
review 1: Set in 1940's New Orleans, "The Rhythm of Secrets", is a fictional tale that was inspired by a true story; Capturing the mystery and ambiance of New Orleans while wrapping up readers in a tale of romance and intrigue, all the way spinning a tale of "God's Grace", "The Rhythm of Secrets" is not an overnight read, but a tale that will keep you turning the pages and returning to finding out the secrets, the hope and the promise of the characters that, Patti Lacy" masterly captures her readers in.What I enjoyed about "The Rhythm of Secrets", was just the setting of it being in 1940's New Orleans; I'm just one of those who, as much as I love present day tales, love being swept away, even for a moment in the past and you can almost hear the strains of jazz music in the backgroun... mored as you are find yourself falling into the character's lives and praying and hoping and waiting to discover how all things will turn out for them.This will stir you up, have yourself asking questions and finding yourself at the edge of the seat and barely breathing as if you are personally there with the characters.The writing captures the language, the mood and the emotions and seamlessly moves from beginning to end,but leaving you wanting more and not wanting to close the book at the end.A beautiful written fictional tale that I just find myself slowly humming jazz tunes as I read it.....this book will have your emotions stirred up and yet...not wanting to put the book down...it's so worth checking out and reading.
review 2: The Rhythm of Secrets was the first book I’ve read by Patti Lacy and I am thoroughly impressed! Mrs. Lacy was able to transport me back to places such as 1940’s New Orleans, a summery beach in Mississippi, a home for unwed mothers and even to a brothel in Thailand, during the Vietnam war. And let me tell you, what an emotional, wild and grace-filled ride, it was!In all honesty, I didn’t think that I would like this book very much; however, I was immediately captured by the flash back story line of Shelia’s present day and her childhood. I couldn’t wait to hear her story and understand why she gave up Samuel, but I also wanted to find out what would happen now that he was back in her life. Also, I enjoyed how this book dealt with “real” issues of era. Racism, alcohol, prostitution, and a baby out of wedlock are all brought up in this book and they were were handled tastefully and realistically. Lastly, Mrs. Lacy has a beautiful writing style. It is rich with descriptions and at times, I felt like I actually was Sheba grieving the loss of her parents, or Sylvia fighting to keep her baby, or even Shelia struggling to understand God’s love for her. The only downside to this book (and this is really stretching for a downside) was that there was SO much going on and it was always intense! After following along all the ups and downs of Shelia’s emotional journey, I felt like I should have been on page 400, but when I looked down, it was surprising to find that I was only on page 200. Overall, I’m so glad that I read this book! Shelia is such a strong and brave character, who perseveres and gets the life that she deserves at the end. It’s an entertaining story that will make you think with all its plot twists and turns, and make you smile with an overwhelming message of forgiveness. less
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I just won this book on first reads giveaways and I can't wait to read it.
Great book. Full review coming with book tour later in the month
Quite good. Review to come later today on proudbooknerd.com.
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