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Lumberjack In Love (2012)

by Penny Watson(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 3
Penny Watson
Lumberjack in Love
review 1: I don't know why it took me forever to finally read this book, I loved it! Some might say it's formulaic, but sometimes you just want those stories that are predictable that hits you in all the right places and leaves you with a big smile at the end. The witty dialogue and the quick stroke with how the author was able to create endearing characters (from our two MCs to little Natalie to Bill) all around packed this little book with a punch. Okay, I'll admit, it doesn't hurt that the hero is a big, delicious lumberjack who is very much alpha, yet sweet at the same time.
review 2: Ami is a city girl through and through. She's visiting her sister in the boonies of Vermont while nursing a broken heart. She was just dumped by her boyfriend, who she not realizes wa
... mores a total loser. Her sister sends her on an errand to deliver something (papers, I think) to Marcus, a very lumberjack looking man who is building a custom treehouse for Ami's niece. They're each attracted to the other, but also very aware of how unsuited they are. And very aware of how attracted to each other they are. So a little fling couldn't hurt, right?This was a quick and funny read. It's full of lines like this one: "Was there a Mrs. Mountain Man in the picture, maybe sewing the checkerboard curtains and keeping his axe well oiled?" I love this kind of humor, so the story flew by with me chuckling a lot.The ending had me rolling my eyes a bit. It annoys me when otherwise rational characters choose not to communicate and the main reason seems to be to set up conflict. That was the case here. Also, while I appreciated a discussion of birth control, neither character seemed concerned about STDs, which didn't seem responsible.Still, it was cute and I enjoyed it and would try another story by this author. I recommend it if jokes about wood still crack you up - I know they do for me! less
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Very cute quick read that will satisfy a reader by giving them a whole story in 100 pages.
Makes me want my own lumberjack and I'm not a fan of rustic, bearded, flannel wearing men!
Short but sweet romance
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