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Win Forever (2010)

by Pete Carroll(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 5
1101437197 (ISBN13: 9781101437193)
Penguin Group (USA)
review 1: A clear & concise motivational statement from the Coach. Only 4 hours of listening via audiobook and I'd recommend every coach gives it the brief listen. We get the highlights of his career and the essence of what's made him so successful. But for me, watching him learn from the failures in his early days with the Jets and Patriots made the book. The contrast of these chapters with those on the USC dynasty show us everything we need to know.
review 2: At first glance I felt the title of this book was phony and sophomoric. Fortunately the book is so well written that Carroll's sincerity shines through and shows how a powerful singular vision combined with an indefatigable belief in yourself can bring our deepest desires to fruition. The book flows easily and
... more blends Carroll's philosophy, anecdotes and advice in ways that are enjoyable and relatable without being overbearing or pretentious. less
Reviews (see all)
sigh. wanted more from this book other than now knowing that Carroll was more lucky than anything...
While it was good to gain insight into Pete Carroll's methods, he should really stick to coaching.
Coach Pete is right: comPETing lasts longer than winning. Great read through and through.
1st book from dpl i consumed via the eaudiobook format.
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