
I just had read “Antes de nascer o mundo” from Mia Couto. Some friends had talked about him, but didn’t recommend a specific book. So I just had take some one at the library.

The book used a child perspective, I don’t like this. The set is a bucolic place, I don’t like this. The characters are black people and the author is a white guy, I don’t like this. In the middle of the history appears a woman, and the author, a guy, explain female feelings, I absolutely don’t like this.

However, for some inexplicable reason, I can’t stop reading. And the tale turns into a strong narrative and hardly surprised me. Couto had prove to me he is not a white guy, he is a big white tree from the Savanna.

“Quero morar numa cidade onde se sonha com chuva. Num mundo onde chover é a maior felicidade. E onde todos chovemos”


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