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Travel Writing (2008)

by Peter Ferry(Favorite Author)
3.4 of 5 Votes: 4
0151014361 (ISBN13: 9780151014361)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
review 1: At first I truly thought I would not enjoy this book. However as soon as the plot unfolded and the narrators story become more in depth with his life I really enjoyed learning about Pete Ferry's journey of discovery about himself and Lisa Kim and I loved the way he did it. The story telling was quite appealing and I loved how twisted the whole novel was. The ending was kind of boring but I let the slide because the overall book was, well, pretty attractive.
review 2: This book has a dull, slow start but grows more compelling with interesting plot twists. He weaves a tale of a staid and boring life in the Midwest, teaching high school writing classes on crafting story. In the process Ferry shares how to to travel and post articles and how to misuse the trust of
... more others by using "I am a writer" as a shield and universal free pass. Into this cauldron he adds a long term relationship, an obsession with a dead woman, and adds in perhaps solving a murder and identifying a trusted doctor who abuses vulnerable women in psychotherapy. Much of the sub plotting centers on issues of TRUST between the sexes. Oh, and he throws in the sub-characterization of a vigilante with guns who is a stalker himself, and enjoys drinking lots of beer and wine. What else can I say? Would I want to know any of the characters in this book? Absolutely not. I would be bored out of my sandals. But then, all protagonists certainly do not have to be likable. Let me know what you think. less
Reviews (see all)
I didn't really like it until the end. But the end made me glad I had kept reading.
A story of what might have been and what our responsibilites are to other people.
Plot style is gimmicky. Overall a mediocre novel.
Tiny line between facts and fiction is cool.
It was ok.The ending was strange.
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