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Romeo Blue (2013)

by Phoebe Stone(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 5
0545443601 (ISBN13: 9780545443609)
Arthur A. Levine Books
Felicity Bathburn
review 1: In this sequel to the Romeo and Juliet Code, Flissy is now twelve-years-old and has been separated from her paents for a year. Flissy knows they are still in Europe fighting with the resistance while Flissy's American family seems to be fighting the same enemies but in Maine. Flissy is uneasy when the man, who claims to be Derek's birth father,snoops around the Bathburn house, when Derek secretly invites him over. Because Flissy now has a serious crush on Derek, she has agreed to keep the meetings secret from The Gram,Uncle Gideon, and Aunt Miami, but is this a connection to the secrets the Bathborns are also keeping like the Nazi uniform Uncle Gideon has received and his German language lessons before he's sent to fight in Germany? I've enjoyed seeing the changes in Fliss... morey and Derek and seeing how the war has impacted them, their family, and community.
review 2: I read this with my 13-year old daughter as we read the first in this series together as well. I enjoyed the first better, but this one was pretty good. It was rather slow and as to be expected a bit sappy as it is told by young Flissy who loves her somewhat adopted brother. It's a lot of ramblings of a young girl stuck in a remote house in a remote town during WWII. Not much for her to do but worry about her family and friends. There is a lot of touching moments related to loss of loved ones and it's an interesting way for kids to understand a bit about how war overseas affected us here in the US. I liked the writer's style. less
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I could not put this book down!!!!1
Second book in series.
i loved it
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