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Unsuitable Men (2012)

by Pippa Wright(Favorite Author)
3.27 of 5 Votes: 1
0330521721 (ISBN13: 9780330521727)
Pan Publishing
review 1: Really enjoyed reading this one as it wasn't hard to pick up the easy flow of the story whenever I was forced to break away from it. Having previously read and highly rated the debut novel by this very same author, I'd hoped for more of the same tone from this one and I got it so I was happy enough and no complaints from me on that score. This one centers around a features editor in a posh magazine where the poor girl has always felt that she never quite fitted in and every day is a battle just to survive till the next. But her one place where she felt safe and secure and at peace was in her long-term relationship with her boyfriend of eleven years who she lives with and saw a settled future ahead of them, but not for much longer as that ship has sailed and Rory the female... more main character goes to live with her aunt (who's a mature actress with a hit show that made her famous) in a house that has two other elderly actors also lodging there, having found out that her boyfriend wasn't that perfect after all because he cheated on her. Loved the characters in this novel as Rory is challenged, having gotten herself into a bit of a rut by her workmate and boss to not only start dating unsuitable men but to write about her dates in a column instead of her usual articles on country house artwork. It is successful but the same can not be said of the men that she meets, seeing as they are hardly a replacement for Martin, her ex. But could Rory grow a set of balls if she sets her mind to it and could she ever cope without Martin to make the right decisions, on her own? And will she sleep with one of the unsuitable men? You will have to read it to find out and I for one am glad I did.
review 2: I really enjoyed this book about Rory, who has just split up with her boyfriend Martin after 11 years together. She is understandably heartbroken but believes it is just temporary until Martin realises he wants her back. Even though he has cheated on her, Rory's low self esteem still leaves her feeling that the breakup was her fault and that Martin was too good for her. This makes the book sound like it could be depressing, and for the first part of the story Rory is moping around barely making it out of bed and into work, but the book is made by the variety of wonderful characters she encounters. Rory goes to live with her Aunty Lyd, who runs a boarding house for actors, and her two boarders, Percy and Eleanor. She works for Country House magazine with her ambitious boss Amanda and her eccentric colleagues. She meets a series of unsuitable men and, in an effort to improve her prospects on the magazine, begins to write an internet column about her dates. But she begins to realise that some of her ideas about herself, her career and her ideal man may need a rethink. Maybe one of the Mr Wrongs she meets could be her Mr Right? or will Martin change his mind about the split? This is a great read and I highly recommend it. less
Reviews (see all)
Was a bit slow to get going but I did enjoy it and couldn't put the book down from about half way.
Predictable yet funny at times. Did drag on a bit, and skipped some pages. Holiday reading!
Entertaining. A bit predictable, but it was fun reading it.
Nice light reading with lots of funny moments.
Not the best but an easy non taxing read
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