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The Real Fling (2000)

by R. Silver(Favorite Author)
3.46 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Ok...So this the journey of Samantha and Trevor and wow what a journey it was and wasn't. I really thought that this was a 5 star book but now that I am actually writing this review I find that it isn't. Samantha plays the piano and Trevor is a photographer. They like each other from first bump then first picture. He ends up taking the shots for her cover album. The fall into bed too easy. For me there really wasn't any chase involved till the end of the book which was fine. The author hooked me at the first chapter and held me through this fast read. It didn't bore me at all. Though it captured more of my attention during the last few chapters. I didn't get a unique feeling at the end of the book or a warm and fuzzy feeling either. I think there should have been a prolog... moreue but there was not and not knowing kind of felt off. But over all was a fast and good read.
review 2: **Spoilery**Sam’s a concert pianist whose husband cheated on her repeatedly, they divorce but the echo of his betrayal remains.Trevor bumps, I mean he really does bump into Sam in the street and both are surprised when it’s revealed Trevor is the professional photographer for her promotional shoot. It's instalust.Within pages and before the reader can draw breath they’re having sex and they keep at it, a lot, until Sam realises she’s more than liking this guy but Trevor’s secretive behaviour has finally got to her and it draws disturbing parallels to her ex. For the sake of self-preservation and what any woman with her head screwed on would do when a secret is determined to stay a secret - she calls it quits.My thoughts:Whoa…the pace. I’m reminded of a fine wine that one needs to savour to fully appreciate its subtleties and unique blend. To consider scoffing without giving it true appreciation is similar to foregoing foreplay and getting straight down to the sex. Where’s the flavour of sexual tension in that?Much potential lost in concentrating too much on the sexual aspects of their relationship. Cor don't get me wrong I love sexed up romances, the slow build up kind and I gotta feel that deep chemistry, the luuurrrveee. I felt the lust not to say there's anything wrong with that in equal does. I'd like to have seen Trevor's character grow and given more depth in trying to sort through a resolution with his mother but this reader was left with the unsettling impression he preferred she completely disappear from his life altogether. I'd like to have seen Sam meet her and the relationship grow from that. And dispensing with condoms so early in a fledgling relationship knowing Trevor's man whore past was totally irresponsible and unsafe and this practice should not encouraged via any means particular romance novels with such a large female readership. Sam said she trusted him. For goodness sakes she's only just met him and she doesn't even know if they're a monogamous couple yet. *Shakes head* less
Reviews (see all)
Well written. Wish there were less sex and more conversations between the main characters.
Great romance novel. Kept me wanting for more.
Good romance, the ending felt rushed though.
3 1/2
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