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Break And Enter (2011)

by Rachel Haimowitz(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 5
1609285581 (ISBN13: 9781609285586)
Samhain Publishing
Red Cell
review 1: **Grammar Warning**“Cyke” Kellermann is a “white hat” hacker for hire. He has to test Sentinel Tech’s security. This is the plot. Ok well let me add something XD .So Cyke tries to surpass the security with various tests, and most of the time he gets hurt. Each time he gets hurt he gets saved by a paramedic called to the spot. His name is "Bear", so all his friends call him. At start the two dont like each other and each time the paramadic helps Cyke, the guy runs soon after, till one day he is too hurt to walk alone to his house. Bear will help him again, and something is changing for him is not only work, he is truly scared to find one day Cyke dead. Sadly Cyke is a tick head and doesnt understand his feelings till he fears Bear is dead. Cyke is entering the Se... morentinel Tech again and during his mission gets badly hurt. He doesnt know where to go and thinks to search for Bear's house. He is thinking of stealing the paramedic stuff, but in the end he cant do it and lets Bear help him. Days pass and they start talking and in the end have sex.They both had previous experience, but this is different.To summarize the plot is about Cyke testing the Sentinel's Tech security, them kicking his ass, Bear healing him, again being kicked ass and arrested bcs the guy asking to test the security will accuse him of being a thief, and after that proving innocence, and sex again.Pratically after that the book ends.Bear is sleeping and Cyke awake is observing him, thinking of how he cant be without him and of how he will fix all this mess and finally live happy with the man he loves. They dont talk about love but the reader understands they are in love.
review 2: While I enjoyed the ideas behind this world I did feel like the story was a little rushed. The characters were interesting and the I enjoyed the premise, I think I just wish it had been a little longer with more development time allowed. I would have liked to have known more about the history of both our characters.Bear is a paramedic with a bit of a tech fetish nature. He loves fiddling with all the ‘ware that exists now. When he is called out on a run for an unconscious drunk he’s surprised by the shear amount of high tech ‘ware the man is sporting. His fingers are itching to get more time exploring it all. Doesn’t help that the man is hot and appeals to his own preferences as well. Still when he goes RMA there’s nothing Bear can do but watch him walk, or really stumble, away.Cyke is an ex-Green Beret and acquired much of his slightly outdated ‘ware while still a part of the military. Of course while his ‘ware may be out dated by military standards it’s still highly advanced compared to most readily available tech. Now out of the military Cyke makes his living as a “white hat” hacker. Hired to break in and test different companies security his current job isn’t going quite to plan. Having the same paramedic picking him up for his multiple injuries puts Cyke in a spot he’s never been before, trusting someone else to have his back.Bear was kinda adorable. I liked his fascination with the ‘ware and how drawn he was to Cyke despite his rough exterior. Though this does fall closer to the insta love side of things since neither character really gets a lot of time to know the other. Cyke is the epitome of the lone wolf living off the grid. Allowing Bear to enter his space is tantamount to a lifetime commitment. These two were definitely hot together and I could see the chemistry between them.There was only a little bit of a hesitation with this one in that you’re thrown into a world with very little explanation. The writing is great and it pulls you in, but a lot of the tech in this story is just assumed knowledge. Cyke has a mechanical eye and strange metal tech-y gloves, also a chip in his head, all with little explanation. As I got further into the story I was able to understand at least a little bit more about how it all worked together, but I would have liked to have a greater understanding of the world around these two. I enjoy the cyberpunk elements though and I was happy to dive into the craziness of this world. I just wish I’d gotten more.Actually I enjoyed the way this story built. I liked that for awhile we weren’t really sure what Cyke’s background was, is he the good guy or the bad guy? I liked that Bear was intrigued in spite of the possibility that he’s helping a criminal. As the story unfolded the foreshadowing indicated things to come, but let the reader discover what was going on as it was pertinent. Especially for a novella the pacing was very well done. I do hope that there are more stories to come in this world. I would love to know more about Cyke’s past and how he got to be where he is. I want to know more about how this society functions within the bounds of all their tech. I want to know where Bear and Cyke’s story goes moving forward. These circumstances brought Cyke out of his normal anonymity a place where he can maybe truly make something work with Bear. I will continue to cross my fingers that more stories appear soon. ☺ less
Reviews (see all)
Going to think on this one.....not sure whether I did or did not like this book!!!
Don't have words for how fun and interesting this book was...PLEASE another one???
A little too sci-fi for my taste.
Totally enjoyed it
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