#0022 – Inside the Mind of My 3 year old Son

Being away from my family robbed me of the opportunity to watch my son on a daily basis. Inspite of this setup, my wife who is my greatest supporter updates me tirelessly. People say and I agree that long-distance relationship is not for everyone. I can even say that God designed a family to be together, because marriage is for companionship. But that’s not always the case. In a situation like this, I trust my wife to fill in the gap. Eventually, I will go home for good but not now, not yet.

My son never failed to amaze me. Every parent feels that way actually.

Lately, my wife told me that he is now experimenting. Whatever he attempts to do, he watches his mother’s reactions. Say, if mom told him not to touch electric wire he would do exactly the opposite. Typical provoking toddler. I’m telling myself that my son is no longer a baby indeed.

My son is fond of watching Peppa Pig on YouTube. He’s picking up few lines like “goodnight” “goodbye” “yeah” “of course”

He’s learning to differentiate actions/terms like:

  • Waving is different from bye-bye. One time when I bid bye-bye and instead of flipping my 4fingers up-and-down, I just waved to-and-from from left to right. He said, “daddy, that’s wrong! You’re waving. This is how to bye-bye (flipping his 4fingers up-and-down). He got that from peppa pig & family.
  • “Goodbye” is when we finish our convo with daddy. “Goodnight” is when we’re going to sleep.

Then he plays with his mom by speaking in English. Convo sounds like this:

A: (do you) like burger?

M: Yes, how about you?

A: yeah.

M: How about spaghetti?

A: yeah.

M: Chickenjoy?

A: yeah.

M: From now on, I will talk to you in english.

A: (long pause..looking straight in the eye with mom, smiling..then..) of course!

For sure he don’t know the meaning of it. He just trying his luck, picking up from convo in Peppa Pig. It works!