#27: Breakfast and Dinner

Hi again! I know haven’t posted in a little bit (maybe a little more than a bit), but I promise I’ll be posting regularly again, at least for a while. I had a great vacation in December, and I got to spend two weeks in Taiwan with my parents and family. I spent a lot of time in Taichung and Tapei mostly, but I also went into the mountains a few times. The views up there were gorgeous, but they couldn’t compare to the countless delicious dishes and meals I got to eat. Unfortunately, I was too preoccupied with actually eating the food to stop and take pictures. My dad did remember though, so once I get the pictures from him I will make another post about all the food we ate in Taiwan.

I also haven’t posted in the new year for a couple reasons. When I got back home, I immediately got sick with what I thought was the flu, then strep throat, and ultimately turned out to be a painful viral infection. So that knocked me out for a week. Then, I had finals for the first semester, which took up some of my time and attention. However, I have cooked a few things in the past couple weeks, which I’ll share today.

The first is a breakfast I made for myself: chocolate chip pancakes. It was my first time making pancakes, and I made them from scratch, so they didn’t turn out exactly picturesque. A couple of my friends took notice and spared no effort in making sure I knew I had room to improve. However, I’m a firm believer that you can’t judge everything at face value, and the taste of my pancakes more than made up for what they lacked in looks. I used both milk and white chocolate chips in the batter and substituted maple syrup, which I liked, with a drizzle of honey. The pancakes came out fluffy enough, and overall it was an enjoyable breakfast, albeit a little sweet.

The second is a Blue Apron dish: Pork Chorizo Tacos. All I really have to say is that I always have been and always will be a major fan of tacos. The ground chorizo filling cooked with citrus and onions topped off with thinly sliced radishes, cotija cheese, and freshly squeezed lime juice was the perfect late-night dinner. I ate all four of them.

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