So this happened!
Yes, the man of my dreams has asked me to be his forever and of course I said YES trying to hold back tears! How did he do it, you ask?
Well, first off let me start by saying he is not the mushy romantic type, so keep in mind all of this was kind of hard for him.
Rewind to about 5 or so years ago, I was out with a friend, who needed to pick up her other half from their friend’s house. I decided to tag along and thank goodness I did! We arrive at a house in the heart of our little city we live in, never realized this house even existed and probably past it up a few dozen times a week. We walk to the back porch of the house and see two guys just hanging out. I shook hands with one guy introducing myself and that is all she wrote…….. not really but I knew there was something very special about him.
Fast forward to 10 months later we are dating and 4 years later, Christmas day, leaving to go to my moms to open gifts. As he is locking up the house, he asks do you want your last present? I was in the car trying to stay warm and couldn’t hear a thing he was saying and I am terrible with reading lips. So I’m clueless at this point. I roll the window down and ask what? He grabs is pocket and says do you want this? I realize, oh my gosh this is about to happen! The moment I have been waiting for all year. I get out the car walk over to him and he pulls out that perfect white square box and says do you want this? I’m holding back tears and shaking my head yes. He then asks if he has to get on his knee and I’m like YES! He gets down on one knee and says “here you go”.
I didn’t get those 4 words out of him but I did get a one knee and that something, right? Not to mention it was done right where we met 5 years ago on his back porch! I couldn’t have imagined it any other way!