30 Day Anime Challenge: #14 – Anime That Never Gets Old

And so, we reach Day 14 of the 30 Day Anime Challenge. This time around we’re looking at …The Anime That Never Gets Old, No matter How Many Time You Re-Watch It.

OK, so I’m going back to using multiple examples here. The first one should be obvious is you’ve been following me for a while: Digimon Tamers. It’s a great series, by far my favourite of the Digimon franchise, and it never fails to entertain me.









But you already know that. So, how about something less obvious? Well, there is one anime film that I’ve watched more than any other. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. I don’t know what it is that hooks me with this one. I mean, I love the art style, the story is great, and the animation is great … yet no one thing stands out above all else for me. Somehow though, I just never tire of this one. Sure, I enjoyed the original (and the last song when the credits kick in is really catchy), but this sequel is so much better in my eyes. Here’s the trailer.




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