Hi. My name is Kayla, and I am writing to express myself and help to pour into the lives of others with my stories and advice. I hope that my stories will help someone in their daily lives and life in general. I’m from Florida and love cats. Cats are a girl’s best friend. I love life, Jesus, cats (The Lord’s greatest creation), friends, family, traveling, postcards, outdoors and etc. what next? hmm…homework? Nah. Let’s talk about life. Hurricanes are strong, but you are stronger. Life can feel like a storm at times, but just keep swimming. The tide waters may rise, but swim on! Even if you get caught in a riptide. Those are scary, but you come out stronger.
Wow! I just discovered my computer was touch screen!!! Who knew?!
Anyway, if you make it out of the riptide. There is a good chance you won’t alone, but I’m here to hold your hand when you’re on the verge of drowning. I know I sound silly, but in all honesty I’m here to help, Stay tuned