An Almost Perfect Christmas by Nina Stibbe

An Almost Perfect Christmas by Nina Stibbe


Publisher: Viking

Publishing Date: 2nd November 2017

Source:  Received from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review, thank you!

Number of pages: 163

Genre:  Humour, Nonfiction

 Buy the Book: Kindle | Paperback





“My mother is not a foodie. But for as long as I can remember, once a year, she becomes possessed of a profound and desperate need to serve up a perfect roast turkey. Faced with a walk into the village though, she might think ‘oh, f*** it’ and decide to get a frozen one from Bejams on the 23rd and leave it to defrost in the downstairs toilet for not quite 48 hours.”

From perennially dry turkeys to Christmas pudding fires, from the round robin code of conduct to the risks and rewards of re-gifting, An Almost Perfect Christmas is an ode to the joy and insanity of the most wonderful time of the year.



I adore Nina Stibbe’s books, and as soon as I spotted “An Almost Perfect Christmas” on NetGalley, I immediately downloaded it (ah, the benefits of being pre – approved, I love it!) and started reading it. Of course I didn’t bother to read the synopsis – well, duh, it IS Nina Stibbe, right, so there is no need for it, because no matter what she writes about it is exceptionally brilliant, but this time I was surprised, as this book is not a story but actually it’s full of short and very funny essays on Christmas. And oh my word, guys, I loved them!

I love the way Nina Stibbe views Christmas, good – naturedly, and what an relief it was to see that I am not the only one non – perfect organizer of Christmas. The essays are short, funny and sharp, family based which only made them so much more relatable, and I found myself nodding more than once – they bring a smile or smirk of recognition. Nina Stibbe’s writing style is so light – hearted in this book, it is so easy to follow and even the most boring things she skilfully turns into funny events with a great dose of sarcasm and not treating herself too seriously.

I’ve read this book within two days and I wanted it to go on and on. I love Nina Stibbe’s sense of humour and her views on different things and really close to my heart, and this little book has fulfilled all of my expectations. It was laugh – out – loud funny, it was full of embarrassing moments, just what the doctor ordered. It was wry, down – to – earth and it rang a bell more than once, and it was great that the author was so open about her own life. If you feel yourself overwhelmed with Christmas preparations, just take this book, read one story and you’re going to feel much better, I can guarantee! “An Almost Perfect Christmas” – highly recommended!



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