You probably noticed the lack of the “& Next Month’s TBR” part above in the title, I don’t feel like making a TBR this month.
In April I was not only very busy with writing (30k yay!), I’ve also read 8 books and dnf’ed 2. This is something I’m quite proud of, though I did not read all the books that were initially on my Monthly TBR. Therefore I have decided not to give myself a TBR this month. I have several ARCs yet to read and that’s quite pressuring, so when I’m done going through all of them, I’m going to take a little break from ARCs. I will attempt to not go to NetGalley and request new books, unless they are books I’ve been anticipating, and I will also not be taking any review requests this month.
Let’s take a look at what I read this month:
- Fuse by Julianna Baggott – I’m slowly making my way to the end of the series, which is really good by the way.
- Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira – This was an impulse borrow from the library, and it was very different than I thought it would be. It looks like a fluffy contemporary, but it’s way heavier. I didn’t really like the characters but the story was great.
- Future Leaders of Nowhere by Emily O’Beirne – Awesome book with great rep. Check out my review here: Review | Future Leaders of Nowhere: A+ Characters & LGBT romance.
- Rabiah: The Gift by Lisa Lagaly – A surprising and great book, I reviewed it here: Review Rabiah: The Gift: A surprisingly great romance fantasy with a badass protagonist.
- The Serpent King by Jeff Zentner – Another impulsive decision in the library but oh boy this book was good. Seriously good. I think this is one of my favourite books. I don’t know what about Jeff’s newest book made me miss the mastery of his writing but this one hits every mark. It broke my heart, mended it, broke it again, stamped on it and attempted to stick it all back together with duct tape. (read more of my thoughts here). Now all I need is a physical copy so I can stare at it and cry some more.
- The Agony of Bun O’Keefe by Heather Smith – I got an eARC of this book and I’m slightly mad at myself for reading it then, because it apparently comes out in forever, while I have many ARCs that come out really soon and haven’t read… It was quite good though, but you’ll have to wait for the review.
- Starflight by Melissa Landers – When I started it, I thought I wasn’t going to like this book at all. The characters were annoying and I didn’t like them, but then character development happened and I love them now. Praise for the amazing development. I would definitely recommend this book if you like the tv show Firefly, since it’s equally awesome and set in a spaceship with a diverse and amazing crew. I look forward to reading the next book.
What I didn’t finish:
- Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer – If you know me well, you know I love Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, but I haven’t seem to be liking any other book by Foer since. This book is about a Jewish family and oh gosh so much drama. The parents are on the verge of a divorce and they both want to stay together but they don’t communicate. Like: just t.a.l.k. It’s not that hard. I quit reading after about 140 pages I believe because I couldn’t stand it anymore and the story didn’t really seem to be going anywhere.
- Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman – This book is about a young boy and one day one of his classmates dies and then he’s going to try to solve the murder. Something like that? It supposedly is like A Curious Incident of the Dog in Night-Time, which I love, but it was way more cursing and violent, not cool, guys, not cool. I own a copy so I might pick it up one day but that won’t be any day soon. I think I quit around 150 pages in.
So that was my month!
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