Drew Struzman is a well known American Artist poster artist, this is due to the fact he made the poster for the movie Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Back to the future and hook.
The artist known as Robert Gleason created the iconic poster for the horror movie Halloween.
The difference between the two artists is that Drew has one of the main character in the back looking over many different things, for example, the main villain is looking over the main character, and some of the ships, this shows a bit of information as it shows some of the ships included and it is in space. on the other hand, the Halloween poster only shows a pumpkin with a carved face and wielding a knife, with a black background this shows some sort of horror type movie with the main killer hiding his face and holding a holding his murder tool in his hand.
The properties that these two poster artists have are that both of the posters are drawn, the use of the drawing on the Halloween poster is that it makes it seem a lot more menacing feel as it uses a contrast of bright warm colours with a dark background.where as Drew uses as much of the posters space as possible, filling it with characters, ships, stars, lasers and more.
On Robert Gleason’s poster for Halloween has 5 words, “the night he came home” this creates a sense of fear, the use of a very short sentence on a poster means that the public won’t be standing reading it for long, and because it is catchy it will attract attention to the film, which is the intention of the poster. But in Drew Struzman’s posters, he has no writing apart from the film’s name, the way Drew attracts the attention of the public is the sheer amount of things happening in the poster, but still making sure that it is not over the top. The Poster has a lot going on but with a glance at it, you are able to clearly see what the poster is saying about the movie, It’s set in space and you can see who the actors are and that they may be playing a big role in the move as they are in the background taking up a lot of space.
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