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You Lost Me There (2010)

by Rosecrans Baldwin(Favorite Author)
2.89 of 5 Votes: 5
1594487634 (ISBN13: 9781594487637)
Riverhead Hardcover
review 1: I liked this book - in fact, I was really liking it until about 2/3rds through and found that it petered out at the end for me. I didn't enjoy the downward spiral that many characters seem to take together, although I can appreciate the author's exploration of how different people adapt to lives of talent, success, stress, and loss. Overall, it's really an exploration of memory - against the backdrop of being a preeminent researcher on Alzheimer's, the main character comes to grips with how his version of memories may be different than those of his late wife's, and how his own processing of love and loss (or not) impacts his ability to forge new relationships. I also enjoyed that it took place on Mount Desert Island, a place I love, and embodied some of the New England stu... morebborn and independent spirit.
review 2: There is something about first person narratives by aging academic men who ponder the failures of their marriage while taking up with a younger woman that just does not interest me. They are not actually that funny either (though the Russo version of this story was a little bit better). Also if you want to write a book about memory, you don't have to have the character studying Alzheimer's. I cannot trust myself to make good choices on Overdrive. less
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Alzheimers's research and manty places in Maine I knew but just couldn't get into this book.
Great story, terrible characters
Nothing special for me.
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