It’s time to get excited because it’s almost time for the August #picbookbc chat party! This month it’s all about Picture Books that celebrate Friendships and what a perfect match our guest author Gus Gordon is!

We are chatting about Picture Books that Celebrate Friendship with Guest Gus Gordon on Thursday 3rd August at 8pm!

Gus Gordon is both author and illustrator of some of our favourite picture books including his newest book Somewhere Else which follows George a rather unconventional bird who doesn’t go anywhere but with help from his friends that all might change! If you want to know what happens though you’ll just have to grab a friend and read it to find out what George gets up to and what adventures he goes on (or doesn’t!).

Gus Gordon is also author/illustrator of Herman and Rosie, which is one of my personal favourite  picture books at the moment as it combines a beautiful story of friendship, music and illustration to tell a story of how even in a big city you can find friends who sing your song and help you to share your passion with the world.


Now here are the chat questions to help you get ready!

Q1.What’s your favourite picture book/s that celebrate friendship? (Share a photo!)

Q2. What is unique about the way picture books communicate different types of friendships?

Q3. Do you think friendship picture books help encourage diversity positively? Why?

Q4. If you could choose a picture book character to be you BFF who would it be and why?

There will also be plenty of time at the end to ask Gus Gordon questions so come prepared!


If you haven’t joined one of our chats before and wondering how it works head on over to our Welcome to the #picbookbc Twitter chat post!


We look forward to seeing you on Thursday night at 8pm for another #Picbookbc Twitter chat!



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