My Little Cactus

#photography #nature #cactus

That day, I was driving towards my home after the hectic schedule at office. I found a big cactus plant was cut & thrown at an abandoned place just besides the Highway. And some small branch like pieces were spreading near to this big plant.

I went to it and took a small piece of cactus. It was very tiny & the thorns were also soft. For me, it was a baby cactus. It had no roots. Coming home I collected a pot and planted it. I put water everyday before I went out for work. And I made it. It was growing and I was like dancing inside me. I felt so happy that I can’t explain.

The picture I captured was almost 30 days after the plantation. Suddenly, I remember about the mother cactus. May be she died, not even knowing that her child is growing bigger like her day by day.

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