Being true to myself – some big changes in my life.

So over the past month or so I have made some bad decisions and I have done some rather questionable things to myself and to others.

And for my questionable behaviour I am sorry to everyone involved and to everyone not involved.

I hope that me being so forthcoming about where I went wrong the other parties will also see where they went wrong too because at the end of this all, nobody was right. And if they can’t admit their wrong doings then I guess they are still in a place of belief that they did nothing wrong when you look at the bigger picture we all should of done better.

So where do we go from here? Well I know where I’m going and that is away from the internet for a while. I need time to figure out what I am doing with my life right now. Nothing is good about me and I need to go away and decide what my life actually is because right now I don’t like my life and if I don’t like my own life then how can people like me or my life.

I have learnt a lot lately and I just need time to go away and to become my own best friend again. To genuinely like myself as a person and to comeback someone who you can all like as a person because I went away and made those changes in my life.

So goodbye for now I guess and one last thing, are you happy with who you are if not then maybe it’s time to look in the mirror and say.

“What can I improve about myself.”

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