BLOG TOUR – Enticing Daphne by Jessica Prince

Title: Enticing Daphne
Author: Jessica Prince
Release Date: January 10, 2018

It’s easy to stop believing in happily ever afters when the man you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with abandons you right before your wedding day. After that disastrous event I decided that commitment was for suckers. I was young, successful, and in the prime of my life.

I didn’t need a man to make me happy.

Then an unexpected blast from the past came waltzing into my studio and decided I was a challenge he was more than willing to accept. The only problem is that he doesn’t remember he’s met me before.

He’s the ultimate playboy, determined to stop at nothing until he entices the hell out of me. But if Caleb McMannus thinks he can lure me in with his sinful looks and silver tongue, then he’s…probably right.

Jessica Prince dives back into the world of Girl Talk with Daphne and Caleb’s story in Enticing Daphne. This sweet, sexy, one-night-stand romance was utterly addictive and I found myself absolutely devouring it. Written with all of Jessica Prince’s signature heart and humor, this duo may well be one of my favorites. I adored the push and pull between Daphne and Caleb, the tension between them was electric and their chemistry sizzled off the pages. Jessica Prince did a fantastic job nurturing the deeper connection between this couple as well, reeling me in with the promise of something real and significant and delivering all that and so much more.

“And just like that, with a peck on the tip of my nose, he left, taking a piece of me with him.”

Daphne was every bit the feisty, independent force of nature I’d hope she’d be and then some. She was confident, hardworking, and fiercely loyal, with a quiet vulnerability that ensured she was also entirely relatable. Caleb proved to be her perfect match in every way with his dedicated pursuit of Daphne’s attentions, undeniably charming personality, and surprisingly sweet nature. These two characters just fit in an organic way that made my heart flutter. I also appreciated the personal growth both Daphne and Caleb exhibited over the course of their journey. Jessica Prince did a phenomenal job seamlessly weaving their family lives and individual struggles into the story to create the kind of emotional depth that takes a romantic comedy to a whole new level.

“Let’s promise each other that we’ll always fight as long as we get to make up like this.”

Daphne and Caleb’s story wouldn’t be complete without the rest of their crazy crew and Jessica Prince doesn’t disappoint. We get plenty of Lola, Sophia, Grayson, and Dominic to give me those familiar warm and fuzzy feelings, with just enough Fiona and Deacon to leave me anxious for their book. While Enticing Daphne is a companion novel, the author ensures it stands alone for any new readers just diving into this colorful world. The perfect balance of witty dialogue, sweet romance, sexy fun, and genuine emotion, Enticing Daphne is a phenomenal addition to the Girl Talk universe. Daphne and Caleb made me laugh and swoon and sigh. Jessica Prince’s writing is as entertaining and heartfelt as ever and her unique storylines continue to captivate me. Enticing Daphne is another must-read romance from this talented author!

Google was quickly becoming the bane of my existence.

What had started as curiosity about Caleb McMannus had blossomed into a full-blown obsession. Once you Googled, there was no going back. I was disgusted with myself.

Not only because it seemed I’d banged a guy whose dick had already been in half the female population of the United States, but also because I couldn’t stop thinking about the stupid man-whore. It was a sickness. A gross, disappointing sickness that I’d spent weeks trying to cure myself of to no avail.

Each gossip column of his sexcapades, each picture of him in a compromising position—and there were many, all of them with a different woman—was cringe-worthy. But I couldn’t stop myself from searching them out.

What was worse, I couldn’t stop thinking about our night together. It had been the most intense, toe-curling experience of my life. And even though I pretty much hated him for forgetting about me, I wanted it again.

Damn my needy, traitorous vagina!

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Don’t miss the companion novels:

Seducing Lola

Read our review HERE
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Tempting Sophia

Read our review HERE
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Born and raised around Houston Texas, Jessica spent most of her life complaining about the heat, humidity, and all around pain in the ass weather. It was only as an adult that she quickly realized the cost of living in Houston made up for not being able to breathe when she stepped outside. That’s why God created central air, after all.

Jessica is the mother of a perfect little boy–she refuses to accept that he inherited her attitude and sarcastic nature no matter what her husband says.

In addition to being a wife and mom, she’s also a wino, a coffee addict, and an avid lover of all types of books–romances still being her all time favs. Her husband likes to claim that reading is her obsession but she just says it’s a passion…there’s a difference. Not that she’d expect a boy to understand.

Jessica has been writing since she was a little girl, but thankfully grew out of drawing her own pictures for her stories before ever publishing her first book. Because an artist she is not.

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