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2009                                2017

According to Socialnomics 2009 and 2017 by Erik Qualman, a bestseller and motivational speaker, reviews of products are posted on social media and consumers trust peer’s opinions on whether the product is worth buying (1:59 “2009”/ 0:54 “2017”). In 2009, Qualman shows “78% of consumers trust peer recommendations” while part of the other percent trust advertisements (1:59 “2009”/ 0:54 “2017”). Overtime the percentage has increased to 93% on how much of an influence online reviews are to consumers. With more and more people posting product reviews online, majority of consumers will most likely take their opinions into consideration. Given this trustworthy product reviews for consumers, Generation X and Baby Boomers in marketing or sales positions can consider these reviews to improve their products. Salesmen can use social media to look at their own reviews to see how the can remodel a product, how to improve their advertisements, and much more. By valuing these reviews, their demand will increase, earning them more money, and better reviews. With better reviews, consumers who trust their opinions can be influenced to purchase their product.  

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