Crafting updates

I’ve been somewhat remiss of late to blog about my recent crafting so here’s a quick summary of what I have been up to.

I’ve finished my first ever pair of trousers, a simple straight leg style from a vintage pattern in a safe green striped polyester. They fit well and I’d be tempted to make more in future. Photos to come of those.

At the start of October I attended a Crewelwork course at the fabulous Royal School if Needlework where I learned the basics of this embroidery type and we used the fabulous Flower Garden kit from Laurelin. I’ve since caught the bug and having found that my local library has several Crewelwork books I’ve taken a pattern from Hazel Bloomkamp’s Crewel Intentions book and am using up the spare wool from the Laurelin kit as a sampler to practice the stitches I have learned.

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